I call her Agnes.
She is a strong woman with a bold face and long, soft, ash-colored hair. Her chin is broad and her eyes are sure. Rimless glasses act as her telescopes for the world. I feel as though she can see into my soul, she knows my thoughts and feelings, she sees everything I do and judges, but she is not judgemental - she is true. I sense a caring love from her like she knows my heart, my hopes, my fears, and she only wants to help me find my way. She uses a cane and walks with difficulty, I want to help her but I feel that I would taint her pride. Just because it is hard for her does not mean that she is unable to do it, she can and she will. I believe that she can fly, fly above us all filling us with strength through hope. Agnes is my fairy godmother, and she is a woman who rides the 100 West Busway Oakland city bus every morning at 8:13am.
We have never spoken.
by Jess
1 comment:
I really like that one.
Esp the ending.
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